Josh McPaul
Pastoral Relations Committee Chairperson
Illawarra Presbytery oversees congregations, ministry and programs within the Illawarra region with an aim to stimulate, encourage, provide opportunities for counsel, strengthen and assist our congregations/faith communities.
Presbytery Chairperson
Deputy Chairperson
Presbytery Secretary
Presbytery Treasurer
Tertiary Minister
Presbytery Administrator
Presbytery Bookkeeper
The Presbytery is a gathered community that meets four times a year and is made up of Ministers of the Word from all our congregations together with representatives from each congregation and associated Uniting Church agencies.
These meetings celebrate being the living church with the sharing of stories and the celebration of mission outcomes. Proposals are considered and decisions are made with consensus from congregational representatives.
Presbytery work is entrusted to committees of volunteers who meet monthly, contributing their gifts and time to carry out the work of the Presbytery in their delegated areas. Each committee has the shared commitment of strengthening congregational life and mission outreach.
The Standing Committee carries out the work of Presbytery between Presbytery meetings and acts as the governing body for the Presbytery on matters of planning, finance, risk, compliance and staffing. Standing Committee members are elected at the AGM at the final Presbytery meeting each year.
Guided by the Constitution and Regulations of the Uniting Church, the PRC gives counsel on ministry and pastoral relationships for Ministers, Lay Pastors, Youth Workers, Community Ministers, Pastors and Congregations. The Committee supports people in these roles, encouraging the enrichment and fulfillment of their ministries. The PRC also consults and works with those in ministry and congregations to oversee matters of ministry placement and lay positions.
The PFPC oversees and offers advice and counsel to congregations and church councils to fulfil their mission particularly with regard to property and finances. Using their specialised knowledge and experience, the Committee assists congregations to be compliant with financial and property laws, regulations and standards. The Committee approves building works, sales, purchases and leases and arranges for the regular inspection of properties. The PFPC also supports church councils with advice on matters of financial feasibility and the use of Sales Proceeds. Committee members also determine policies, practices and decisions that ensure Presbytery itself is in good financial health.
The PSMC is tasked with developing a strategic overview for mission – including stewardship of resources within the Illawarra Presbytery. PSMC take a ‘helicopter view’ in order to provide ‘big-picture’ visionary leadership, and also to review congregational Mission Plans. PSMC aims to provide leadership, strategic thinking, encouragement and resources for the congregations of the Illawarra Presbytery and their lay & ordained leaders.
The Education Committee encourages people across the Presbytery to access a range of education and training opportunities. The committee develops, plans, promotes and facilitates training programs and events that foster spiritual growth and discipleship. This year the Committee is organising programs such as Safe Church Awareness Training, Living Our Values, risk and compliance education for congregations, and the Presbytery Retreat for all ministry agents.
Pastoral Relations Committee Chairperson
Chairperson Finance and Property Committee
Chairperson, Presbytery Strategic Mission Committee
Chairperson, Presbytery Training and Education